About Me
Illustrator, Graphic Designer and Petrolhead

John Hamlin Car Art & Commissions

I am an Automotive Illustrator and Graphic Designer with a passion for just about anything with wheels!

Having being commissioned a number of times to illustrate for a variety of publications, I decided to assemble a small collection of my digital work created purely for my own enjoyment .

These iconic car images are now available to buy as high quality artwork prints and can be personalised by special request.

They include the glorious Bugatti Type 35 one of the most successful of the Bugatti racing models, the magnificent Porsche 917, widely acknowledged as the car that that started it all in terms of Porsche's racing heritage and a number of other iconic classics. I will be adding more illustrations to my store, but if you have your own classic and would like me to illustrate if for you, please drop me a line to discuss your requirements.

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